> On 23 Jun 2006, at 14:16, Dennis Cote wrote:
> > Most of SQLite's disk I/O is actually going to the memory used for  
> > the operating system's disk cache, not directly to the disk. Hence  
> > its speed is not much different when using a disk based database  
> > than a memory based database. I'm still a little surprised that a  
> > disk based database is actually slightly faster than a memory based  
> > one, but that just means that SQLite's memory based page I/O is  
> > less optimized than the OS's file I/O libraries.

I think some other factor is at play here.
SQLite 2.x's memory databases are still twice as fast at batch inserts 
than either 3.x's disk-based databases or 2.x's disk-based databases
when the DB size is less than physical machine memory.

Your analysis:

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