Nicolas Williams wrote:
On Wed, Dec 06, 2006 at 10:06:12AM -0600, John Stanton wrote:

Marten Feldtmann wrote:

But Tcl is not part of SQLite (and this is good) - this is just an add-on. The idea with the
additional functions are pretty good !

How does Sqlite become Sqbloated? By function creep, one little step at a time.

Well, let's see.  Folks would implement user functions, and promoting
code re-use would be good.  OTOH keeping the SQLite core small is also

So why not have a library of non-core user functions?

That's almost like having them in the core disabled by default and with
options to include them.

Isn't that how Sqlite is designed and how it is used already? User functions are dynamically linked when used but otherwise do not bloat the core.

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