yes that is what I tried; I did use sqlite3
does not work. Any known problems on moving db files from Win to Linux?


"Rob Coenen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hello all,
> I have been using TRAC for Windows and I need to restore the TRAC wiki
on a
> Linux machine.
> The integrated Trac WIKI is stored in a sqlite file, it seems as sqlite
> version 3 (judging by opening the .db file with a HEX editor, the header
> mentions sqlite 3).
> I can read the file on Window with sqlite but I cannot read the same
> when I copy it to my Linux machine. It says that the file is not a
> or that it is encrypted.
> Any help here?

Use "sqlite" to read an sqlite version 2 database.  Use "sqlite3"
to read a version 3 database.
D. Richard Hipp  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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