Stephen Toney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks, Igor, Richard, and Tom,
> Why doesn't SQLite use the index on key? I can see from the plan that it
> doesn't, but why not? Can only one index be used per query?
> This seems strange. I have used SQL Server and Visual Foxpro for this
> same problem, and they both handle this query in a second if the indexes
> are there.

SQLite is limited to a single index per table of the FROM clause.
(In your case the same table occurs twice in the FROM clause, so
each instance can use a separate indices, but each instance can
only use a single index.)  Other systems relax this restriction
through the use of bitmap indices.  SQLite does not (directly) 
support bitmap indices.  You can achieve about the same thing
as a bitmap index by playing games with rowids, but the SQL
needed to do so is convoluted.  In your case, I think the query
would need to be:

 SELECT count(*)
   FROM keyword AS a CROSS JOIN keyword AS b
  WHERE a.value='music'
    AND b.rowid IN (
         SELECT rowid FROM keyword WHERE value='history'
         SELECT rowid FROM keyword WHERE key=a.key

It seems so much simpler to use a multi-column index.  It is almost
certainly going to be faster.

> Is there a good place to read more about this SQLite behavior? I'm
> fairly familiar with the online documentation and don't recall reading
> this.

You might get a few hints at
and the pages that follow.  That is from a talk I gave in 2004.  It
is somewhat out of date.  My goal for this calendar year is to get
some detailed documentation online about the kinds of issues you
are seeing.
D. Richard Hipp  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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