Hi all,

Following up:

I recently installed SQLite 3.3.13, after having used previous versions. I now get an error:

Error: database is locked

when I use the sqlite3 command line tool to access a database on a shared volume.

But opening the same file with an earlier version works fine.

I'm not sure what version introduced this problem. I suspect it's after 3.3.9. It's definitely after 3.1.3.

I'm using Mac OS X 10.4.8, with the database file on an AppleShare mounted volume.

I tried using sqlite 3.3.10 (which I had on another machine) and still have the problem. I looked for 3.3.9 to re-install it, to try that version, but couldn't find it on the sqlite.org web site.

Have others experienced a locking error on remote volumes?

Where can I get 3.3.9 and earlier source code?


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