Ken wrote:
I'm looking for suggestions on improving performance of my sqlite application.
Here are system timings for a run where the sqlite db has been replaced with a flat file output.
 real     0m1.459s
 user    0m0.276s
 sys      0m0.252s
This is a run when using sqlite as the output format.
 real     0m3.095s
 user    0m1.956s
 sys      0m0.160s
As you can see sqlite takes twice as long and almost 8 times the user time. Output size for flat file: 13, 360, 504 flatfile.dat
 Output size fo sqlit file:   11,042,816   sqlt.db f
Slite db has the following pragmas set. PRAGMA default_synchronous=FULL
  PRAGMA temp_store=memory
  PRAGMA page_size=4096
  PRAGMA cache_size=2000
Any ideas how to get the sqlite output timings to a more respectable level would be appreciated. Thanks
If you want flat file performance, use a flat file. Sqlite is built on top of a flat file and cannot be faster or even as fast. If your application can use a flat file, why use anything more complex?

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