 Its even better now!
 Synchronous=normal and No primary keys (except 1 table) for auto increment. 
 real    0m1.975s
 user    0m1.436s
 sys     0m0.140s
 Vs  flat file test case:
 real    0m0.862s
 user    0m0.228s
 sys     0m0.188s
 This is now very respectable. 

Ken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Tito,
 There are no indices built besides the default ones. Hmm maybe I should try 
this by dropping the primary Keys.. I'll give that a try as well, GOOD idea!
 The entire batch of inserts (about 8 tables) is done in a single transaction.
 As an Oracle DBA, I'm pretty familar with tuning. This was definately an I/O 
issue and related to the code path vs say a select where the optimizer picked 
an incorrect plan. 

Tito Ciuro  wrote: Hello,

IIRC (it was a while ago), one way to speed up insertion for large  
data sets is to drop the indexes, do the inserts (wrapped around a  
transaction) and then rebuild the indexes. For smaller data sets, the  
drop/rebuild indexes solution doesn't make sense because the time it  
takes to do that invalidates the performance gain. However, larger  
data sets seemed to benefit greatly. Again... that was a while  
ago... :-)

I should dust-off my test app and see what the results are with the  
latest sources. I'll let you know what I find out.

-- Tito

On Mar 15, 2007, at 11:42 AM, John Stanton wrote:

> There are no free lunches.  When Sqlite stores your data item it  
> not only writes it into a linked list of pages in a file but also  
> inserts at least on key into a B-Tree index.  It does it quite  
> efficiently so what you are seeing is the inevitable overhead of  
> storing the data in a structured form.  The value of the structure  
> becomes obvious when you are retrieving a single item from a set of  
> millions and the index allows you to access it in a tiny fraction  
> of the time it would take to search an unstructured list like a  
> flat file.
> The ACID implementation in Sqlite provides data security but is  
> does involve a significant overhead.  You pay a price for not  
> losing data in a system crash.
> Like all things in life "you pays your money and you takes your  
> choice".  It is somewhat simpler with Sqlite in that you don't pay  
> your money, you just take your choice.
> If you want faster Sqlite performance use faster disks.  The  
> latency is important so 15,000 rpm disks will be better than 5,400  
> rpm ones.
> Ken wrote:
>> To answer your question:  Yes I can use a flat file at this stage,  
>> but eventually it needs to be imported into some type of  
>> structure. So to that end I decided early on to use sqlite to  
>> write the data out.   I was hoping for better performance. The raw  
>> I/O to read the data and process is around .75 seconds (no write i/ 
>> o).. So using a flat file output costs about .7 seconds.
>>   Using sqlite to do the output costs about 2.25 seconds. My  
>> question is why? And what can be done to improve this  
>> performance?   John Stanton  wrote: Ken wrote:
>>> I'm looking for suggestions on improving performance of my sqlite  
>>> application.
>>> Here are system timings for a run where the sqlite db has been  
>>> replaced with a flat file output.
>>> real     0m1.459s
>>> user    0m0.276s
>>> sys      0m0.252s
>>> This is a run when using sqlite as the output format.
>>> real     0m3.095s
>>> user    0m1.956s
>>> sys      0m0.160s
>>> As you can see sqlite takes twice as long and almost 8 times the  
>>> user time.
>>> Output size for flat file:   13, 360, 504    flatfile.dat
>>> Output size fo sqlit file:   11,042,816   sqlt.db f
>>> Slite db has the following pragmas set.
>>>  PRAGMA default_synchronous=FULL
>>>  PRAGMA temp_store=memory
>>>  PRAGMA page_size=4096
>>>  PRAGMA cache_size=2000
>>> Any ideas how to get the sqlite output timings to a more  
>>> respectable level would be appreciated.
>>> Thanks
>>> Ken
>> If you want flat file performance, use a flat file.  Sqlite is  
>> built on top of a flat file and cannot be faster or even as fast.   
>> If your application can use a flat file, why use anything more  
>> complex?
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