I may work on such a program, if time permits. If successful I will
share it. It would be in Perl using DBI::ODBC, so may not be amazingly

I am pretty good at C++ but have phased it out for most work, so I am
still using the antique Sybase compiler, and I doubt the SQLite C++
library would work with that. Otherwise it would, of course, be a better
choice for such a utility. Anyone ever tried that combination?

John, could you clarify what you mean by "building it bottom-up"? I'm
not sure how to build a b-tree any way but by insertions. 

Best regards,

On Wed, 2007-03-28 at 11:46 -0600, John Stanton wrote:
> I proposed such a program earlier in this discussion.  I would envisage 
> a seperate program which strips out a list of keys from the database, 
> sorts it then allocates space in the DB file for the resulting index and 
> builds it bottom up.  It would be an off-line process but fast and would 
> make raising indices on large databases time efficient.
> Based on our experience of building a B-Tree with such a program 
> compared to successive insertions a speed improvement in raising an 
> index of at least an order of magnitude could be expected.
> By making it an independent program it can be lean, mean and fast and 
> not touch the regular Sqlite library.
> Stephen Toney wrote:
> > On Wed, 2007-03-28 at 08:23 -0600, Dennis Cote wrote:
> > 
> > 
> >>It might make sense to create a separate standalone utility program 
> >>(like sqlite3_analyzer) that reuses some the sqlite  source to do bulk 
> >>inserts into a table in a database file as fast a possible with out 
> >>having to worry about locking or journaling etc.
> > 
> > 
> > That would solve my problem too (thread: "CREATE INDEX performance" on
> > indexing a 5.8-million record table). I'd love something like that!
> > 
> > 
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Stephen Toney
Systems Planning

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