On 9-mei-2007, at 11:28, bash wrote:

SELECT type, stamp_id, old_player_id, new_player_id
FROM town_log
WHERE old_player_id = $ID OR new_player_id = $ID
ORDER BY stamp_id DESC;

This query works really slowly and i don't know why :/
For example, the same result by another QUERY work much faster!

SELECT type, stamp_id, old_player_id, new_player_id
FROM town_log
WHERE old_player_id = $ID
SELECT type, stamp_id, old_player_id, new_player_id
FROM town_log
WHERE new_player_id = %d
ORDER BY stamp_id DESC;

Hello Humanoid,

UNION performing much better than an equivalent query with OR is a known 'limitation' in many database systems, including MySQL and SQLite. Page 52 of http://www.sqlite.org/php2004/slides-all.html explicitly recommends to use UNION here.

Cheers, Peter.

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