I have used the prepare, step, finalize methods in order to implement the
progress callback and it works fine.

However, I would like to know couple of things.

a. Whether the sqlite3_exec function is better in terms of performance to
receive the callback?

b. Will sqlite3_interrupt function stop the query execution immediately upon
request or does it continue the current instruction and then stop or any
thing as such?

Please advise,

Thanks in advance,


On 9/18/07 5:13 AM, "John Stanton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Zbigniew Baniewski wrote:
>> An interesting method is "progress":
>>   "The progress callback can be used to display the status of a lengthy query
>>    or to process GUI events during a lengthy query."
>> But I'm not quite sure presently, how it could look like in practice? To make
>> a "progress bar" I've got to know a maximal value of the records (table
>> rows) involved in a query BEFORE it'll be caused to run.
>> Perhaps again I've missed some simple thing(?) - but currently I don't know,
>> how can it be done in a simple way. The methods "changes" and "total_changes"
>> are giving the number or rows involved AFTER the query is done. So, how can
>> I count it all before, to make a nice looking progress bar? Just by making
>> additional, earlier query like "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xyz WHERE <condition>"?
>> Perhaps someone could show me some example?
> You cannot know the result of a query until it is finished, and when it
> is finished there is no need for a progress bar.
> The obvious solution is to not use a bar but to have another form of
> progress indicator.
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