Our approach to that problem was to write a library of ASCII decimal arithmetic functions, store the data as underlying type TEXT but give them a declared type of DECIMAL(n,m) and have added functions which understand that declared type. With that addition Sqlite becomes useful for accounting and other such activities requiring arithmetic accuracy.

For a simple display interface we use display format, fixed point decimal numbers, right justified.

Mag. Wilhelm Braun wrote:
Dear all,

I use sqlite to store numerical text strings.

Why do I use text type: because of the float problem of incorrection. example in numeric Columns: 3.2009 returns as 3.2008999999999999 which is not what I want.

Column Type=TEXT

is there a way to do comparison of text in a numerical way.
EXAMPLE rows:Column txt


SELECT max(txt) FROM test

should return "113.2008999" and not "4.0"

SELECT * FROM test WHERE txt>10.0

should just return "113.2008999" and not


so my question is there a way to do that correctly?

Thanks for any helpful hints

regards W.Braun

by the way: I use pysqlite.

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