I'm choosing desired column names dynamically, then store all the names
in one variable, something like this...

  set columns "column1, column2, column3"

The names are chosen in much more complicated way, but the above is just
a variable contents example. I'm trying then to fetch the data like this:

  set data [dbcomm eval {SELECT $columns FROM some_table}]

...but it doesn't work. It returns that column names, not the data from
the table. When I replace $columns with just the column names separated by
colons - I mean: directly with $columns contents - there's no problem
anymore. Not sure: the variable substitution won't work the way presented
above? What should I change?

Currently I made a temporary fix, fetching just all (*), then selecting the
data I need - but I don't like it: I'm fetching more, than I needed, and
there's an additional "cleaning" loop, which is slowing down the entire
                                pozdrawiam / regards

                                                Zbigniew Baniewski

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