Hi all,


I use the sqlite version 3.5.6 and tired to execute a PRAGMA
max_page_count command to limit the sqlite database size and received
always return value equals to zero.


My code is shown as follows: 


// sqlite database initialization

retVal = sqlite3_exec(pDB, sql, callback, ctxt, &errMsg);


//limit the sqlite data base size to 32768

sqlSt = sqlite3_exec(pDB, "PRAGMA max_page_count=32768", NULL, 0,


The sqlite initialization succeeded, but the sqlSt value always returned
as zero.

I also tried to change the PRAGMA syntax to "sqlSt =
sqlite3_exec(zDB->sqlHandle, "PRAGMA max_page_count=32768", 0, 0, 0);",
but sqlSt still returned zero instead of the 

max_page_count which set.


Does the syntax of the PRAGMA max_page_count is correct?


Do I need to first initialize the sqlite database and then to execute
the PRAGMA max_page_count or vice versa?


Thanks in advance for your help,









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