> My sense is that most users don't want network share support, hence it
> is not default. For the relatively few that do want, it exists as an
> option.

I find that statement a bit ambiguous, so allow me to clarify my own  

1. Few or probably no users want to NOT have network share support.

2. It may be true that few users would ask for network share support,  
at least until they get a "file locked" error when using some SQLite  
GUI or using their own compiled code. I would argue that not having  
yet asked for it doesn't mean they don't want it, just that they don't  
know yet that they need it or can have it. In any case, it certainly  
doesn't mean that they want it to NOT be there (see 1).

3. All users have network share support built in with the SQLite that  
ships in Mac OS X and don't ask for it to be removed.


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