On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 02:26:08PM -0500, Nicolas Williams scratched on the 
> On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 01:35:44PM -0500, Jay A. Kreibich wrote:

> >   IMHO, the jump from "you must manually create indexes" to "you may
> >   control the *use* of an index" is a MUCH smaller jump than the very
> >   concept of "CREATE INDEX."  After all, if the RDBMS is supposed to be
> >   smart enough to figure out when using or not using an index is a good
> >   idea, shouldn't it also be smart enough to figure out if creating an
> >   index is a good idea?  Or, conversely, if nobody expects a system to
> >   be smart enough to know when to create them, why do we expect it to
> >   be smart enough to know when to use them?
> Given a finite number of [parametrized] queries that are expected to
> perform well against a given schema and data, then yes, the RDBMS could
> automatically create the indexes needed to optimize those queries.

> That'd sure be user-friendly.  Provide set of [parametrized] queries.
> Analyze data.  Automatically create indexes.  It'd be nice too to give
> the user information about the impact of indexes on writes.

  I hope this was clear, but I wasn't proposing anything like this for
  SQLite itself.  I was speaking of RDBMS systems in general at a much
  higher level.

  It is, however, the kind of feature I'd like to see in some of the
  management tools.  As you said, point it at a database, feed it a
  bunch of queries, and let it make suggestions.

> If the API allowed one to first import a statement (from text), then
> apply directives relating to index use and so on, _then_ compile the
> statement, then these directives would be "outside the relational model"
> at least in so far as the directives have no impact on the SQL syntax.

  SQL (the standard) != the Relational Model.  Not even close.

> I suspect that "impact on syntax" is taken to be evil by some.

  Personally, I think altering the SQL is the least of my concerns.
  When you get this nitty-gritty you're so deep into whatever specific
  RDBMS product you're using that custom syntax shouldn't be a worry.
  You're already fully committed.

  If anything, it will remind you that you need to re-visit the issue
  if you ever move the SQL to another platform.

> Also, API-only directives would be harder to use from the shell...

  Yes, I would put forth that a "hint API" is actually against the general
  approach.  There is a reason why the C interface doesn't include
  public functions to scan a table or things like that.  The interface
  is SQL, and that's where DB engine interactions should go.


Jay A. Kreibich < J A Y  @  K R E I B I.C H >

"Our opponent is an alien starship packed with atomic bombs.  We have
 a protractor."   "I'll go home and see if I can scrounge up a ruler
 and a piece of string."  --from Anathem by Neal Stephenson
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