On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 12:54:36PM -0400, Russell Leighton wrote:
> I need a 2 key index for some queries and also want to aggregate on  
> these 2 columns. I need this index BUT I have many large sqlite dbs I  
> iterate over and they won't fit in the filesystem cache. Run time when  
> the index is present is 105min. Run time with out the index is 3min.
> I see no way a simple query planner can account for factors like  
> available ram, disk io speeds and CPU speeds. The solution DRH  
> suggests is perfect for my needs.

First, CPU speed is probably not an issue here.  Knowing the size of the
tables and indexes relative to RAM/cache size sure is relevant though.

Given knowledge of table row counts, why couldn't SQLite3 recognize that
your query is best planned to do a full table scan?
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