On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 1:09 PM, Iker Arizmendi <i...@research.att.com> wrote:
> I'm hopeful that it's possible to devise a scheme that will let SQLite support
> multiple readers and writers while completely preserving all of its current
> benefits (eg, serverless, efficient, zero-conf, simple API, small footprint).
> To that end, I'm trying to understand some of the "sub problems" that get in
> the way of multiple writers in order to take a stab at working them out. I can
> see that the overall problem is nontrivial and an acceptable solution has not
> been found. But this only proves that the problem is hard, not that it's
> impossible (*).
> Iker
> (*) Of course, if folks have actually shown that solving this problem
>     amounts to squaring the circle then that's another story.

Right now sqlite works over a network via NFS and the like -- if you
wanted to keep it an embedded library (with no server), you'd have to
drop support for that.

PS. please stop top posting!

Cory Nelson
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