
I do not have a requirement of persistence in my current design, but I
expect that we might extend this shared-queue solution to more areas of the
server and will require some sort of persistence then.
That is one of the main reasons I do not want to use IPC queues (there are
other reasons like fixed message sizes, minimal support for queue/message
level metadata).

One of the main attractions of SQLite-based solution is to be able to
perform all kind of queries on the queue itself (from the point of view of
maintenance scripts/production support).
In my experience, if there are lots of services sharing different types of
messages over an IPC shared queue, sometimes you run into a situation where
the queue starts backing up and there is no way for production support folks
to determine which particular service is causing the backup (by sending
messages too fast, or consuming them really slow). And, in the end the only
solution is to bounce all the services (instead of just bouncing the
culprit) and we never discover the root cause of the backup.

If I use a SQLite-backed queue, I can simply use the command line shell and
run queries like:

select sender, receiver, count(*)
from queue
group by sender, receiver;

Or any combination of message metadata to analyze the current state of the

Also, I can easily modify my queue APIs to just update a used flag, instead
of deleting the message from the db. This way, I can analyze all the
messages at the end of day and determine all kinds of statistics (like how
long does a particular type of message sits in the queue).

In short, using a SQLite-backed queue solution gives me a lot of options
that a simple IPC based (and, for that matter, even a professional Messaging
Product) does not give.

I did think of implementing a VFS for the shared-memory, but as you
mentioned a file-based DB with all syncs off might be a simpler trade-off.

As Simon said, having a socket based daemon solution is something I want to
avoid because it adds another layer to the architecture.


On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 10:56 AM, Simon Slavin <> wrote:

> On 10 May 2010, at 4:47pm, Alexey Pechnikov wrote:
> > TCP-socket listening daemon + SQLite in-memory database may be helpful.
> Yes.  You can make one process, which handles all your SQLite transactions,
> and receives its orders from other processes via inter-process calls or
> TCP/IP.  I've seen a few solutions which do this and they work fine.  But
> that process will itself become some sort of bottleneck if you have many
> processes calling it.  And I think that the original post in this thread
> described a situation where that was not a good solution.
> Simon.
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