I need to exchange messages across processes, not threads. And one of the
reasons that I am inclined towards SQLite is that I do not want a separate
Queue-manager process.
I'll just write wrapper APIs around SQLite and embed them into each
application, so I have a manager-less implementation.

I found a Queue implementation using SQLite at XMLBlaster:

I'll see how they have implemented it and might adapt it to my needs.

Thanks for the link! I didn't know about this feature of AIX. I'll see if I
can get my Unix Admins to create a Ram Disk for me to play around with.


On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 2:29 PM, Alexey Pechnikov <pechni...@mobigroup.ru>wrote:

> Hm... You can use the dedicated thread in your application for SQLite
> in-memory database. Why you want to build external application for
> this? And SQL for you task is not needed I think - you can use the
> simple hash table or any other simple structure. If you have same
> additional needs or ideas - speak it!
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