I have that problem.  A solution is an ultra lite SQLite window to
play along side existing spread sheet packages. Then just get read and
write to the spreadsheet happening.

 I did that simply with R; I reasoned Windows was smart enough to
handle files, so I just read and write files netween SQLite and  R.
It should be just as simple with any good  spreadsheet.

On 5/17/10, Olaf Schmidt <s...@online.de> wrote:
> "Gilles Ganault" <gilles.gana...@free.fr> schrieb im
> Newsbeitrag news:uk03v5h4ovo8un5hq68ldbotuf1fujr...@4ax.com...
>> On Mon, 17 May 2010 18:59:36 +0200, "Olaf Schmidt"
>> <s...@online.de> wrote:
>> >I'd say, what you're looking for (in case a "softer" migration
>> >of Excel-VBA-Devs is planned) is more a library IMO -
>> >and not an "Application".
>> Thanks, I'll check it out. Ideally, I was looking for a tool that
>> would read data entry forms from an external file and allow
>> users to create/edit records through a GUI without my writing
>> an app specifically for them.
> Well, in that case it boils down to: how complex these
> "data entry-forms" may be (if I assume, that the *user*
> needs to be able, to edit these "external files" with a
> simple TextEditor, to define the "forms behaviour"
> and the "recordwise scrollable Edit-Fields" which
> need to be contained there) - otherwise I do not see,
> why the user should not use the (VB-Macro) IDEs of
> either Excel or OpenOffice-Calc directly.
> Hmm, thinking about that requirement (defining an entry-
> forms content + behaviour per written text) - there are
> some people, who'd indeed call that "programming". ;-)
> No, seriously - if the requirement is, that the user
> should only need to enter something like that into
> these "external data-entry-form-textfiles":
> TableName: SomeDBTable
> ColumnList: All
> Filter: SomeDblColumn > 10000.00
> Filter: SomeDateColumn Between 'Now' and 'Then'
> Writable: Yes
> ...
> And then the application (when directed per Directory-List-
> Click to such an entry), would automatically create the
> needed Form-Mask, containing all the pre-defined editable-
> Fields, matching the SQL-Column-Type automatically
> with the proper "edit-behaviour" and all the Fields get
> correct "labeling" - then such Definition-Files would be
> of course doable (and editable) by virtually anybody
> (and would help to cover a lot of  simpler "edit-cases").
> Dunno if a "lean App" which covers that, already exists (for a
> windows-os) - but writing such a dynamic form-creation-engine
> for the special purposes of your users shouldn't be that hard,
> if you have a bit of experience.
> Other "text-based form definition-files" are *.html of
> course - or *.xml or *.xaml (in case you want to do that
> per .NET) - but any solution would (IMO) involve at
> least a bit of "preparation" first, by a developer who
> adapts this "dynamic form-creation-approach" to the
> needs of the users in question.
> But in case your users could live with the ability, to
> edit their table-records over a Grid-Visualization, then
> Henks suggestion, to use one of the many DBManagers
> out there would be an option too ... don't know if some
> of them also contain a User-editable "non-Grid-View"
> with dedicated Entry-Fields in vertical arrangement
> (to fullfill your "recordwise" navigation-requirement).
> Olaf Schmidt
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