On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 6:19 PM, Pavel Ivanov <paiva...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > But just
> > wondering, was allowing to create such field intentional? As I suppose
> such
> > field is complete phantom since most sql queries will interpret rowid
> > internally and won't allow access this user field at all.
> Situation is completely opposite. When you declare your field named
> "rowid" the real rowid becomes phantom and all queries will select
> your field instead. But real rowid will be still accessible via other
> names like "_rowid_" or "oid" (is there a way to access real rowid
> when all three built-in names are declared by user in the table, I
> wonder?). And this behavior is documented (see
> http://www.sqlite.org/lang_createtable.html) and thus I suppose
> intended and introduced long ago.
Ok, it makes sense. My only complain is that although rowid is a sqlite
specific word, it became more of "reserved" words. One example (maybe too
specific). One works with tables with a some sqlite admin and some imported
tables from other database engine contains its own rowid field. As everyone
knows every sqlite table has id regardless of the developer intention, so I
assume that I can query SELECT rowid ... for almost every existing sqlite
table in the world. But with this hypothetical case the results of such
query even can be puzzling, for example, if the data don't declare
uniqueness limitation on its own rowid field, we could see repeating values
or even non numeric values. I think that using _rowid_ might be additional
guarantee from such problems, but I suppose many developers still prefer

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