On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 2:37 PM, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:
> On 1 Jun 2010, at 7:11pm, Israel Lins Albuquerque wrote:
>> About that future release functionality. Will be possible to know whats 
>> temporary index are created?
>> Using that information will be easy to know what indexes we need create to 
>> increase perfomance,
>> don't giving chance to sqlite create that indexes!
> You can do something pretty good with EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN:
> http://www.sqlite.org/lang_explain.html
> I wonder how that could be enhanced to refer to any temporary index created.
> I understand what Israel wants, I think: CREATE your table with no indices, 
> then ask SQLite what index would be ideal for a SELECT or UPDATE statement.

Well, really, what you want is "SQLite, for this table, I want to
these SELECT and UPDATE statements in this ratio, what indices would
be ideal?"

[I was always annoyed by someone telling me that they needed some
index added to make their seldom-run query incrementally faster
without having figured out the downside hit to the updates which
generated the data they were querying.]
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