On 6/9/10 13:26 , "Pavel Ivanov" <paiva...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> So i assume i will have to
>> split my AVCHD file into small files. Ok.. i am fine with that, but how
>> will i maintain the folder structure of these split files.?
> If maximum supported blob size is 1Gb and you want to store a bigger
> data chunk then you split your data into several *blobs* and store
> them in separate rows in the database. But SQLite database is one
> file, so there's no folder structure to maintain.
> Pavel
> On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 7:18 AM, Navaneeth Sen B
> <navanee...@tataelxsi.co.in> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I would like to know how i can store an AVCHD file(It has a folder
>> structure) having size greater than 4GB.
>> The reason behind this question is like, from the documentation i found
>> that the maximum supported BLOB size is 1GB. So i assume i will have to
>> split my AVCHD file into small files. Ok.. i am fine with that, but how
>> will i maintain the folder structure of these split files.?

You don't tell us about your use case, but in many (most?) use cases, it's a
good idea to keep your AVCHD files outside the database, and store only a
reference to that file in the database.

- simplicity
- no need to split anything
- files are still there even if the database gets corrupted
- some/most of the data can be salvaged more easily in case of media failure
- files can be played by an outside player (eg VLC), whether directed by
your program or through an external workflow (including, but not limited to
manual user intervention).
- friendly to OS-level incremental backup schemes (such as Time Machine).
- friendly to OS-level indexing and searching mechanisms (though for video,
this is probably limited to metadata).
- makes it possible to distribute your video files across several hard
- makes it easier to let the user work on "light" (eg thumbnails) videofiles
in a constrained environment (eg mobile), only to switch back to full
definition video when back at the office.

- possibility for the user to tamper with the files behind your
application's back (though if you are using SQLite, s/he can do so in the
monolithic case as well).



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