On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 5:47 PM, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:

> I just want to check because this is a specialty of mine: do you perhaps
mean that you have indexed all the fields individually ?  Because that's a
common mistake and it's a huge waste of time and space.  There is one
particular INDEX which is ideal for each SELECT and SQL will use a maximum
of one INDEX for each simple SELECT command.  If you show us your SELECT
command I can take a guess at an INDEX which will suit it best.

Nature of our data is hierarchical, so we are using adjacency model
(parent-id is a column).


root { (aid 0)
    a { (aid 0)
        a1; (aid 0)
        a2; (aid 1)
        a3; (aid 2)

    b { (aid 1)
        b1; (aid 0)
        b2; (aid 1)

id    name  parent   aid    value
0     root       0             0        x
1     a           0             0        x
2     b           0             1        x
3     a1         1             0        x
4     a2         1             1        x
5     a3         1             2        x
6     b1         2             0        x
7     b2         2             1        x

Practically the table could be very very huge. We have
usually query to walk all children of a parent so query

select * from table where parent = ? and aid = ?;

Our index is "create index idx on table (parent, aid)"

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