On Thu, 11 Nov 2010 06:26:31 -0800 (PST), jeff archer
<jarch...@yahoo.com> wrote:

>>From: "Olaf Schmidt" <s...@online.de>
>>Wednesday, November 10, 2010 9:07:19 AM
>>[Stored procedures in SQLite]
>>IMO stored procedure-support only makes sense in "Server-Instances" which run 
>>their own...
>I disagree.  The overall design and structure of applications using SQLite and 
>therefor SQLite itself would benefit from SQLite supporting stored 
>This would allow all code necessary for enforcing the business rules of the 
>to be stored in the database itself.  This is just a good basic design 

Stored procedures don't enforce business rules by
themselves. Constraints and triggers do.
To enforce business rules stored as procedures in the
database, one would need an access system which prevents
direct modification of table data. 
As an embedded database SQLite definately is in an other
niche of the DBMS market.
Stored procedures can often be replaced by INSTEAD OF
triggers on views, that's quite powerful.

>Please don't anyone take this comment wrongly.  I really like SQLite and I am 
>very committed to its use in my projects.  Many thanks to all who make SQLite 
>possible.  It is an excellent product.  And the support available through this 
>mailing list is truly top notch.  I have paid (sometimes dearly) for a 
>lot less 
>competent and complete support.

I second this, of course!
  (  Kees Nuyt
sqlite-users mailing list

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