On 10 May 2011, at 11:42am, Lynton Grice wrote:

> BTW: if I am using SQLIte as a logger, what PRAGMA statement can I use 
> to say FIX the sqlite database size to say "5 MB"?

There isn't one.  SQLite would not know which records to delete.

> Also, lets say I have a AUTOINCREMENT INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, what will 
> happen when it reaches 5 MB? Will it just keep returning SQLITE_FULL or 
> similar? I guess I am looking for a "round robin queue" here?

A round robin queue is fine.  Every so often, to kill off old records do

SELECT max(rowid) FROM myTable

then in your code subtract from it however many rows you want to keep, then do

DELETE FROM myTable WHERE rowid < firstToRetain

It won't work perfectly but it's simple and fast.

> While I'm on it, if I have an AUTOINCREMENT INTEGER PRIMARY KEY with a 
> LOGGER implementation, and the integer reaches it's limit (even though I 
> am deleting previous records), will the sqlite database assign "un-used 
> primary keys" (previously deleted) to any NEW inserts?

A SQLite integer can get /really/ big: 2^63.  There's no way you could ever 
write enough records to push it  over the limit.  Your hardware will 
disintegrate first.

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