iOS has SQLite embedded in it.  Add the libsqlite3.dylib framework
toyour Xcode project.  This is a /usr/lib alias, not the specific
version of libsqlite3.0.dylib.  Include your SQLite db file in your
Xcode project for copying to the target or let it get created when you
open it.  #import <sqlite3.h> in your persistence code and code your
db access.  Make sure to pass C strings to the sqlite functions and
not NSString.

To add framework for Xcode 4:
Select Project -> Select Target -> Select Build Phases tab -> Expand
Link Binaries with Libraries section -> Click + to add


On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 11:56 AM, irfan khan <> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I am new with SQLite and have to configure on ipad, can ou please send me
> steps or any related documents please.
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