On 17 mai 2011, at 19:16, irfan khan wrote:

Thanks a lot for your replay.

But we are developing new application for ipad for some buisseness need and
need to configure sqllite database for the same.
I am  MS SQL database administrator and my developer team asked me to
configure sqlite for ipad.
please send me any related documents or details.

To reiterate:

- SQLite is very different from MS SQL and most other databases in that it 
requires ZERO *runtime* configuration
- SQLite is used as a C library that provides a handful of C functions. To 
simplify, those functions eventually lead you to execute SQL statements 
provided in C strings.
- As a C library, it can be compiled with a few optional variations that you 
are unlikely to need to be aware of as you learn using it.

- SQLite is already installed in iOS by Apple. For most uses, you will not need 
to use a different version.
- If it eventually turns out you need one of the optional compile-time 
variations mentioned above that were not included by Apple, it's simple to add 
your own version, and compile it with whatever options you need. You can worry 
about that later however and ask again if you need help.

- Regarding this and your request to be sent documentation: 


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