On 27/05/2011, at 12:49 AM, john darnell wrote:

> I am still trying to get SQLite to work on my Mac.  I want to make sure I am 
> doing what I should be doing.

Here's a simple answer:

1. Add the sqlite library to your target's build phase.

2. Add an Objective C wrapper class to your project, such as the one by "Matteo 

  2.1 Download the Sqlite.h and SQLite.m files

  2.2 Add them to your project.

3. To call SQLite from your code, simply import the Sqlite wrapper class and 
use either the executeNonQuery or executeQuery method. The executeQuery method 
returns an array of dictionaries:

#import "Sqlite.h"

Sqlite* sqlite = [[Sqlite alloc] initWithFile:@"path to file"];

NSArray* resultDictArray = [sqlite executeQuery:@"select Name, Quantity from 
Ingredients order by Name"];

[sqlite executeNonQuery:@"delete from Ingredients where Name = 'squash'"];

[sqlite close];

It's best to create the sqlite object as an ivar within your class, and release 
it in your class's dealloc.

I presented this recently at a CocoaHeads meeting. You can view the slideshow 


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