After creating a Database.sqlite i then create a Table and try to past text 
from a text file into the shell, but the text wraps? Im working on an iphone 
app and im new to it all. Ive been reading lots of tutorials and it seems that 
everyone builds databases this way. I have just under 4,000 lines of code i 
pre-typed in a text file. I want to be able to copy and paste it all into the 
Example of the text I'm Pasting into Shell:INSERT INTO Datalist(staff,floor) 
VALUES(‘Dick, Tom’,2);
Example of the text after Pasting into Shell:INSERT INTO Datalist(staff,floor) 
Dick, ,2);TomVALUES(
Please someone help whats the best way to get all this info in a .sqlite 
database by copy past. Also if there is a good tutorial out there could i 
please get the link.  Thank you Kyle
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