On 18.10.2011 16:40 CE(S)T, Simon Slavin wrote:
> The way to settle this is easy: leave the mailing list in place.
> Create a web forum.  If people abandon the mailing list and start
> using the web forum instead, it worked.  If people stay with the
> mailing list, the mailing list is superior.

I don't think many would want to be in two places that serve the same
purpose. You can't make a forum a success if the old way still remains
active. A forum will only be successful if people are there to post. And
if nobody posts there, nobody will go there. If the mailing list was
replaced by a forum, everybody would go to the forum. But you definitely
should ask the mailing list users whether they would prefer moving over
to a forum, otherwise many might be angry.

I would also very much prefer a web-based forum. The whole concept has
many advantages over e-mail lists and only few disadvantages.

+ Easy access, no setup (subscription, rules etc.)
+ Easily searchable archive with modern and usable UI
+ Post editing and moderation support (if someone messed it up)
  -> Allows to correct thread hijacking or wrong subject
+ Solid threading support (not every MUA can do it well)
+ Following single threads, with notification
+ URL to any content, directly from the primary UI
+ Optional source code syntax highlighting
+ Less traffic in your mailbox, you only read what you want
+ No publicly published e-mail address (spam etc.)

o More "generation Facebook"-like (is this an advantage at all?)

- Web-based UI may be less efficient for some (married with their MUA;
  also greatly depends on the forum software being used!)

Further reading: http://halr9000.com/article/179

Having said that, unfortunately I don't have the time to set it up and
manage it, but I'm far too little into this community. I'm just a reader
and rare questioner... But you'd need a few moderators to operate a
forum anyway.

Yves Goergen "LonelyPixel" <nospam.l...@unclassified.de>
Visit my web laboratory at http://beta.unclassified.de
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