On Sun, Oct 23, 2011 at 8:12 AM, Black, Michael (IS)
<michael.bla...@ngc.com> wrote:
> #1 What's the size of your database?

288G, 5000 table, each with ~1.4 million records

> #2 What's your cache_size setting?


> #3 How are you loading the data?  Are your table inserts interleaved or by 
> table?  Your best bet would be by interleaving during insert so cache hits 
> would be better.

The tables were created all at once, with records inserted evenly, so
the content of each table is spread all over the 288G place. I believe
this is the reason why cache_size did not help.

> Looks to me like you're getting disk thrashing in test3 and test4 which 
> cache_size could affect also.

I am now thinking that if I vacuum the database so that all tables are
copied one by one. The performance could be increased dramatically
because the content of each table could be read to memory easier.

> And are you running your test twice to bypass the initial cache filling of 
> sqlite?

I ran all the tests on tables that have not been processed (cached).

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