Dear all,
we are using SQLite in our projects. We are using the version compiled 
on Windows platform from the amalgamation file. One of our servers crashed 
badly (power outage) and after the server restarted, we saw that the database 
was corrupt (all queries we tried return SQLITE_CORRUPT). We had a look at and verified, that the hardware (disk, 
memory) of the server should be ok - we used some hardware tools to check. In 
the past we already had some crash situations and SQLite could recover from the 
crash nicely, so we were surprised that after this crash the database was 
corrupt. In fact, we cant create a repro, because we do not know, what the 
server was exactly doing, so it might be difficult to find the reason, but we 
saved the corrupted database in the hope, that somebody from the develpers 
(maybe) could put some light on this problem. Because the database is rather 
small and is used to save some configuration data only, I have att
ached it to this message.
Thanks for any suggestions.

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