On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 12:39 PM, Joe Winograd <j...@winograd.us> wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> First time poster here, so be gentle. I have an HP EliteBook 8460w running
> 64-bit W7. HP provides an app called the Connection Manager that allows you
> to control the status of the wired, wireless, and Bluetooth connections (it
> uses SQLite). CM was working fine until I installed TurboTax 2010, after
> which CM stopped working. When I uninstalled and reinstalled it, I received
> the following dialog box with the title <dbUpdate.exe>:
> Cannot load assembly:
> System.Data.SQLite, Version=, Culture =neutral,
> PublicKeyToken =db937bc2d44ff139
> The application will now exit.
> According to HP tech supp, this is because TurboTax is loading an older
> version of the SQLite files and there is no way to fix the problem, i.e.,
> you may use either use TT or CM, but not both! I'm hoping the experts in
> this forum have a solution to this problem, or at least a better
> work-around than uninstalling one and reinstalling the other each time I
> need one of the programs.
> This, of course, raises the general question of how SQLite programs/users
> deal with this issue. There are many programs that use SQLite - are all of
> them subject to this incompatibility issue? I find that hard to believe, as
> SQLite would not be a viable product if this were the case. Thanks much for
> your thoughts. Regards, Joe

All:  What was it I was saying just the other day about statically

Joe:  SQLite is always backwards compatible.  But new features tend to
appear in new releases.  I suspect what is happening here is that HP
Connection Manager is using newer features of SQLite that did not exist in
the older version of SQLite that TurboTax is loading.  I fuss and fuss that
applications should statically link their preferred version of SQLite so
that this kind of thing won't happen, but nobody pays me much mind.  Please
complain to both HP and Intuit about this as they might listen to you more
than they listen to me.  Meanwhile, I suggest you locate the SQLite3.dll
file (or files) on your machine and replace them all with the latest
version of SQLite3.dll that you can download from
http://www.sqlite.org/download.html and that will probably fix your
troubles, unless TurboTax has taken extraordinary measure to prevent you
from doing so.  Please let us know how this goes.

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