On Sun, 29 Jan 2012 17:11:35 +0200, Shahar Weinstein
<shahar...@gmail.com> wrote:

>thanks for your intention. but it's a shared hosting. I do not have a
>remote desktop access that allows me
>to run any application I desire. and besides that there is no need to
>monitor processes.

Many of the sysinternal tools can sense events on a remote server
without having remote desktop access. A windows account/password
suffices, and of course the management interface (whatever that is) has
to be enabled.

>the situation is quite simple, the sqlite database I'm using is failing to
>serve one update from one process.
>and this problem comes and goes, and when it comes, it stays for some time.

Every sqlite3_*() API call returns an error code when it fails, and
extended error diags can be retrieved after an error. Doesn't that
render something useful?

As Simon already suggested "I bet that the process which has the file
open is not your database program, it's a backup app, or a
virus-checker, or something like that.". 

Some of those blocking issues are more likely if certain file extensions
are used. '.db' is famous for unwanted attention of the MS Windows OS,
but it's not the only one.
Try changing the extension to something innocent, like .sqlite or
.sqlite3 or something similar.

If the cause is a virusscanner, you'll have to contact the hoster to add
scan exclusions.

>there is no connection string settings that I'm familiar with so I see this
>problem with no solution.
>2012/1/29 Black, Michael (IS) <michael.bla...@ngc.com>
>> Try this then:
>> http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896653.aspx
>> Michael D. Black


Kees Nuyt

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