On 02.04.2012 18:38 CE(S)T, Alexey Pechnikov wrote:
> Why we can't control this? As example, in Russia the date format is
> DD.MM.YYYY and is needed the patch
> http://sqlite.mobigroup.ru/fdiff?v1=288ad2e1e017565c&v2=720cb1015e95af7a
> I think the new pragmas DATEFORMAT and TIMEFORMAT will be helpful for
> internationalization. These may be used for parsing and formatting dates.

So is there an SQLite feature to accept floating point numbers with a
decimal comma instead of the English (and programming language standard)
point? After all, why doesn't SQLite accept a Russian translation of all
those SQL commands? Not even considering the code page issues (see
Unicode comments above)...

I also agree that a database should just stick to standard
representation of data, not to user-specific or local.

The time-to-string function is useful for selecting and grouping. You
can group by a day of all months, for example. But the best knowledge
about interpreting a local date representation is surely still in your
application, not in any database system.

Yves Goergen "LonelyPixel" <nospam.l...@unclassified.de>
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