On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 7:21 PM, Dennis Volodomanov <i...@psunrise.com> wrote:
> On 22/06/2012 2:15 AM, Pavel Ivanov wrote:
>> Then it should be okay to do such queries concurrently. So you are saying
>> that two SELECTs you initially showed us give contradicting results from
>> your application and work as expected from sqlite3 shell, right? The only
>> ideas I have left to try are execute "pragma integrity_check" on this
>> database and try to compile without SQLITE_OMIT_DEPRECATED and without
> Yes, I should've given more details from the start, sorry.
> I'll try re-compiling and see if I can reproduce this. The integrity_check
> returns "ok" (from the shell, haven't tried it from the application).

I believe result of integrity_check won't depend on compilation flags,
at least not on those you define. Maybe there's some bug surfacing
when you use those compilation flags...

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