On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 4:33 PM, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

> You think?  You already need to do a global search/replace of "sqlite3_" to
> "sqlite4_".  How much harder is it to do a separate search/replace of
> "SQLITE_" to "SQLITE4_"?

True enough. The only points which i came across not yet mentioned in the
porting guide:

- sqlite3_open_v2()
- sqlite3_prepare_v2()

don't exist anymore. i'm not yet sure how the flags field from open_v2() is
to be handled with sqlite4_open().

Other than that i simply did s/sqlite3/sqlite4/g and all went just fine, so
i wouldn't expect any problems with s/SQLITE_/SQLITE4_/g.

----- stephan beal
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