On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 5:42 PM, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

> I also had to change a couple of 7's to 8's in ctime.c (since "SQLITE_" is
> 7 characters long whereas "SQLITE4_" is 8).  But that plus your changes
> above seem to do the trick.  The changes are now checked in on the trunk.
> Thanks.

Thank YOU!

i'm still seeing this one:

/home/stephan/include/sqlite4.h:3446:1: error: "/*" within comment

caused by an unclosed /*, and the long-long (C++-specific) warning, but
other than that everything looks good as far as i'm concerned. i have not
yet put it through any stress-tests because i need to fix my dependency on
autoincrement, but everything other than that i've tried so far is fine
(meaning "comparable results to sqlite3").

----- stephan beal
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