e-mail mgbg25171 <mgbg25...@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:
>> order by (f.nexttime is null or f.nexttime=''), coalesce(f.nexttime, 
>> ''),f.lastdate
> This worked fine re making sure that non-null nexttimes come BEFORE null
> nexttimes.
> How would I extend this so that AFTER non-null nexttimes I get NON-NULL
> lasttimes and then...
> null nexttimes and lastimes in any order

order by (case
    when nexttime is not null then 0
    when lasttime is not null then 1
    else 2 end), nexttime, lasttime

> Also can I ask why you are ordering by nextime is null/'' at the
> beginning...

Because that's what you asked for. Allow me to quote: "order results firstly by 
earlest *non-null/empty string* next time" (emphasis mine). You do realize that 
NULL and empty string are two distinct values, right?
Igor Tandetnik

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