Ladies and Gentlemen,

As far as I understood, SQLite 3 only understands PDO (as I'm
implementing a program in PHP.) This is why I talked about OOP. I
thought everyone knew that OOP means Object Oriented Programming and
PDO is the OOP way of programming with PHP.
Anyway, I do not wish to spam this list with my considerations on all this.
Sorry for the noise, good bye and thank you for all the fish.

2013/2/22 Petite Abeille <>:
> You seem to be missing the point entirely.  No one mentioned anything about 
> OOP at all, whatever that is. Merely that you may be better off using a more 
> contemporary version of SQLite. That's all.

2013/2/22 Tim Streater <>:
you don't need to do anything OOP in PHP in order to use SQLite. I do
a bit of OOP here and there but by and large not.
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