From :

The OFF journaling mode disables the rollback journal completely. No rollback journal is ever created and hence there is never a rollback journal to delete. The OFF journaling mode disables the atomic commit and rollback capabilities of SQLite. The ROLLBACK <> command no longer works; it behaves in an undefined way. Applications must avoid using the ROLLBACK <> command when the journal mode is OFF. If the application crashes in the middle of a transaction when the OFF journaling mode is set, then the database file will very likely go corrupt.

Meaning :

You can use Transaction also with journal mode OFF.
>> then there will be no journal file
>> there will be no ROLLBACK command
>> no atomic commit (see description of commit mechanism from the prior sent link) >> a transaction which is possible can leave you with a corrupt database if your application crashes due to software or power failures >> if you are sure you don't need the security of a journal file cause your application is crash proof and you won't get a power disk failure (assumption is a gun to shoot your feet) you can ommit a journal file but you will be able to use transacations. >> transactions improve your performance for bulk data transfer into a database significantly.

hope this will help ;)

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