Thank you Simon for your very comprehensive and interesting reply,
especially the SQL examples  
> - set MAXIMUM/MINIMUM values.

CREATE TABLE journeys (
        start TEXT,
        destination TEXT,
        distance REAL,
        CHECK (distance BETWEEN 0.0 AND 5000.0),
        CHECK (start != destination))

> - allow me to force UPPER case.

CREATE TABLE airports (
        designation TEXT,
        fullName TEXT,
        city TEXT,
        country TEXT,
        CHECK (designation == UPPER(designation)),
        CHECK (fullName NOT NULL),
        CHECK (designation != ''))

both of which will be extremely useful. But as I said in my last post I
got confused between Visual FoxPto SQL and Visual FoxPro built in
programming language. I could certainly achieve what I want by using a
spreadsheet, such as LibreOffice Calc, to create a validated and extended
temporary file which I could then use to import the relevant validated
fields to my "Order items" table in my SQLite database; but this seems to
be a rather long-winded and circuitous approach. 
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