Sorry if the following is a duplicate but I've just updated to the latest
version of my email client and it seems to be leaving messages in the

Thank you Simon for your very comprehensive and interesting reply,
especially the SQL examples  
> - set MAXIMUM/MINIMUM values.

CREATE TABLE journeys (
        start TEXT,
        destination TEXT,
        distance REAL,
        CHECK (distance BETWEEN 0.0 AND 5000.0),
        CHECK (start != destination))

> - allow me to force UPPER case.

CREATE TABLE airports (
        designation TEXT,
        fullName TEXT,
        city TEXT,
        country TEXT,
        CHECK (designation == UPPER(designation)),
        CHECK (fullName NOT NULL),
        CHECK (designation != ''))

both of which will be extremely useful. But as I said in my last post I
got confused between Visual FoxPto SQL and Visual FoxPro built in
programming language. I could certainly achieve what I want by using a
spreadsheet, such as LibreOffice Calc, to create a validated and extended
temporary file which I could then use to import the relevant validated
fields to my "Order items" table in my SQLite database; but this seems to
be a rather long-winded and circuitous approach. 
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