I run the VACUUM command at the end of a diagnosis and cleanup operation on
my database.
I use the SQLite 3 API on Windows 7. Latest version of SQLite.
My database uses the WAL mode.
The database size is 120 MB when I run the sqlite3_execute("VACUUM",...)
After about 20 seconds of heavy disk activity, sqlite3_execute returns with
The databate size on disk remains unchanged although I can see the sizeof
the WAL file rise to about 20 MB.
I had expected that the database shrinks because a lot of data has been
I closed my application and used the command line sqlite3.exe to VACUUM it.
The database shrinks from 120 MB to 20 MB!
I checked for open transactions: None.
I checked for pending statements (with sqlite3_next_stmt()): None.
Are there other reasons why VACUUM runs (it takes maybe 20 seconds for it to
return, and there is high disk activity during the execute) successfully but
apparently does nothing?
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