On 15/09/2013 3:36 AM, Petite Abeille wrote:
On Sep 15, 2013, at 12:53 AM, Kees Nuyt <k.n...@zonnet.nl> wrote:

3) If an SQL-statement generally contains more than one reference
   to one or more <datetime value function>s, then all such ref-
   erences are effectively evaluated simultaneously.
FWIW, Oracle concurs:

"All of the datetime functions that return current system datetime information, such 
as SYSDATE, SYSTIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, and so forth, are evaluated once for each 
SQL statement, regardless how many times they are referenced in that statement."
I'm pretty sure that anything weaker breaks [the illusion of] serializability, by giving users a way to see that their transactions did not execute in the order they appeared to:

A: select CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; update foo set v=1 where k=0; select * from foo; B: update foo set v=2 where k=0; select * from foo; select CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;

Whether that matters in practice, I wouldn't know...


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