James K. Lowden wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Feb 2014 08:32:02 +0400
> Max Vlasov <max.vla...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> From: Max Vlasov <max.vla...@gmail.com>
>> To: General Discussion of SQLite Database <sqlite-users@sqlite.org>
>> Reply-To: General Discussion of SQLite Database
>> <sqlite-users@sqlite.org> Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 08:32:02 +0400
>> Subject: Re: [sqlite] Once again about random values appearance
>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 6:35 AM, James K. Lowden
>> <jklow...@schemamania.org>wrote:
>>>>> select id, (select id from TestTable where id = abs(random() %
>>>>> 100)) as rndid from TestTable where id=rndid
>>> On Thu, 13 Feb 2014 07:26:55 -0500
>>> Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:
>>>> It is undefined behavior, subject to change depending the specific
>>>> version of SQLite, compile-time options, optimization settings,
>>>> and the whim of the query planner.
>>> It should be defined.
>>> In the above query, random() should be evaluated once.  In the SQL
>>> model the user provides inputs once, and the system evaluates them
>>> once.
>> Once for the query or once for the row?
> Once for the query.  
> As a user you have no control how the system evaluates your query.
> The evaluation may change over time with different implementations, but
> the semantics of the query do not.  
> Not long ago on this list we discussed 
>       SELECT *, datetime('now') from T;
> and the behavior was that the datetime function was called per-row,
> resulting in different times on different rows.  It was changed, the
> rationale IIRC to be compatible with the SQL standard and other DBMSs.  
> Like datetime, random() is a nondeterministic function taking constant
> (but void) input.  It should be evaluated once, as provided. Where it
> appears in your query should not matter.  That would make it consistent
> with how other functions work, and with the SQL standard.  

Good in theory, bad in practice.
CURRENT_TIME = CURRENT_TIME was /almost always/ true before change (when it
happened to be false, it was /surprising/ and /counter-intuitive/ exception),
and just become /always/ true after change (no surprising change in behavior!).

RANDOM() = RANDOM() is /always false/ now, it will become /always true/ after
your suggested change.
It have much higher potential to break existing code, e.g.
will be completely broken (well, sure, it is not best way to select random
row(s) from table - it is overly expensive and unportable - but still much more
likely to be used - and relied on - in existing code).

Besides, datetime function behavior is specified by SQL standard - and RANDOM()
is not.

Then again, I, too, don't quite like how OP's queries - such as
behavior depends on whether query flattening was used or not (even though one
can write it off as "documented undefined behavior").
Or, that `SELECT RANDOM() AS r FROM t ORDER BY r` gives quite unexpected result.
I just don't think that same approach as with datetime function would be good in
this case.

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