On Wednesday, 27 August, 2014 13:17, Petite Abeille said:

>On Aug 26, 2014, at 2:09 AM, Keith Medcalf <kmedc...@dessus.com> wrote:

>>  select id, category_id, name, min(price) as minprice
>>    from cat_pictures
>> group by category_id;
>> Done.  And no need for any windowing functions ...

>This peculiar behavior is very unique to SQLite. 

Not really.  Sybase, SQL Server and DB2 do (or did do) the same thing.

>Most reasonable SQL engines will throw an exception when confronted 
>with the above. SQLite calls it a feature. I personally see it as a 
>misfeature. ( Ditto with tagging an implicit limit 1  to scalar 
>queries. Anyway. )

Well, I kind of like the former (group by) behaviour.  Tacking of an automatic 
"limit 1" on a scalar subquery may lead one to make bad assumptions about the 
shape of one's data, however, if one actually knows what one is doing, I don't 
think this is a problem either.

>On the other hand, one could look at the current 'group by' behavior as
>exhibited by SQLite as a precursor to a proper, more formalize, handling
>of analytic functions.... :)

Perhaps.  On the other hand, I really do not understand why people want 
"analytic functions" -- we did perfectly well analyzing data long before they 
were invented.  But then again I cannot understand why people think that 
Relational Databases using SQL are "better" for everything than good 
old-fashioned Network-Extended Navigational Databases.  But then again, maybe 
I'm just an old fart ...

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