On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 6:16 PM, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:
> On 8 Sep 2014, at 11:45pm, Nico Williams <n...@cryptonector.com> wrote:
>> It'd also be good to have JSON and XML support, possibly as an
>> loadable extension.  That way XPath and similar expressions matching
>> document snippets in SQL string values could be used in SQL queries.
> Not so sure about that.  There are JSON and XML extensions available for 
> pretty-much every language out there.  Do you feel they need to be tightly 
> integrated with SQLite somehow ?

No, I don't.  I rather dislike the way Postgres did the hstore and the
subsequent JSON support.

I should clarify: what I don't like is ad-hoc syntax.  I would like a
way to embed arbitrary external languages like jq or XPath in SQL

>> It'd be *very* convenient if SQLite3 had a value type that corresponds
>> to loadable extensions' private types, and a protocol for releasing
>> and serializing values of such types.
> Ah, but there you struck gold.  If this is to be adopted, SQLite needs a 
> DataType of FILE. Complete with functions to do things like get a file's 
> name, path, length, contents, and probably half a dozen other things that 
> don't come to mind right now.  In fact this might be useful for SQLite even 
> if it isn't going to be used as an OpenDoc file container.

Yes.  Pretty please, with sugar on top?

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