Hi SQLite Team:

I second Nico's suggestion.  We are finding new usage with SQLite especially 
with virtual tables.  I understand the teams commitment to backwards 
compatibility.  Maybe some time in the future a version 4 be started that 
incorporates many new advancement in the industry.  Version 3 can still be 
continued for backwards compatibility and version 4 will break some but set the 
stage for the future.

I am interested in the VM to iterate through batches instead of single row at a 
time.  This opens up new frontier using GPUs  as suggested by Tom Gaill of 
linaro from his email:

One data point I'll add, this spring I worked on accelerating sqlite

using OpenCL. I was getting a 7x-25x perf improvement on ARM hardware

with a Mali 604T GPU.

and also from this link: 

Would higher concurrency produce between throughput in a low latency 
environment? For example, "union all" of several external tables.  Instead of 
sequentially doing one table at time, how about  scanning them in parallel?


-----Original Message-----
From: Nico Williams <n...@cryptonector.com>
To: General Discussion of SQLite Database <sqlite-users@sqlite.org>
Sent: Wed, Nov 5, 2014 12:14 pm
Subject: Re: [sqlite] SQLite as a meta database

IIRC there's a GNOME interface to databases, libgda, that works this way.

The fundamental problem with using SQLite3 virtual tables to access
remote/high-latency resources is that the SQLite3 VM and the generated
bytecode are very serial, therefore the VM can't make progress on
other parts of a query while waiting for a virtual table operation to

In principle nothing stops one from adding support for using
co-routines in the VM to better exploit concurrency in a query whose
plan could evince concurrency.  But that doesn't exist yet in SQLite3.

IMO this would be a very good thing to add to SQLite3, and it would
make it a great meta-DB.  But I'm not sure that the SQLite3 developers
would welcome it.

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